The Momentum Conundrum: How to Restart?

Alright, it is obvious, I have had lost momentum for writing on this blog. What happened? Nothing really. Just life. That happens to all of us. But then a vicious cycle begins: „I have not written for so long, the next time I write should be extra special.“ So, what to do?

Many unhelpful arguments pop up with every day that passes: „If I don’t have something amazing to write, I shouldn’t write again. Especially after such a long, significant break.“ „Maybe I shouldn’t write at all? Ever again!“. And so on. I am sure, you have had similar internal conversations about all sorts of lost momentum problems. Exercise. Phone calls to friends. Tax filings. All the many things that „I really should do!“

However, as my writing absence proves, these internal dialogues don’t lead to anything. Nothing gets done, any interference of the universe on your behalf is very unlikely. And after much hair-pulling, teeth-grinding and head-bashing, there continuously remain only two options: Do or Don’t.

As I already did plenty of „don’t“, I decided to change tactics.

So, here I am today. I haven’t been here so long, that I even struggled to find my login details. More avoidance by checking news and drinking coffee followed, but then I started typing with my question: how to restart? And while typing, it dawned on me:

After all, who is ever going to read this post? The only person worrying about my non-writing is myself.

The best remedy: simply write anything

So, what is the worst that can happen? I don’t write. That is already happening. So, nothing lost here. The second worst? I am writing badly. Well, that lies in the eye of the beholder and no one is forced to read this. So, all good.

And as I am typing away, I wonder why I ever stopped? It is fun to write, to think about the conundrums of life. It is rewarding to overcome hesitation and all those nagging voices in my head and simply do.

I don’t know if I will stop again after this post, but I know one thing: It is my choice to restart any time when I feel like it. And when I don’t feel like it – that’s okay, too.

But I hope to remember that many challenges are way less complicated in reality than they seem in my head.

If at this very moment, you are having trouble to get started with some venture, too: I hope that my attempt is giving you just enough of a small extra push to get you rolling!

Let’s get rolling!

Let me tell you: I am glad I simply did it. It’s so rewarding to have overcome those worries for at least today! I hope you can enjoy that, too!

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