Thought Snippets


Starting Small!

Like all bad ideas, it started on a whim. I listened to this career coach audiobook telling me that if I want to do more things I love in my life, I simply need to start somewhere. And so this January, I decided to give it a try. It obviously makes sense: taking puppy steps is better than standing still – if you want to go places.

My main objective is getting back into the rhythm of writing. For my inner peace, I hope to start a new novel and for my purse, I hope to find some new clients for whom I can write content for their websites and communications.

So, this is my online notebook: I will write about anything that I wonder about that day. I have lots of time to think and ponder during all those long dog walks. And I hope that you can comment and be part of this process.

I believe you can expect two things here:

Inconsequential Thoughts on Life

The world is full of wonders, it would be a shame to not go and explore! As you know, I like to roam the world and see what is out there. I would not claim, that I have particularly interesting insights to dispense, but I can certainly share my questions.

Preview: The Second Book

As I talked with my better half about my plan to add English content on this website, he had a surprising idea: could I post a few bits of my never finalised second novel? Some parts are not totally lame and maybe some readers of „Pale Jasmine“ will enjoy this sequel?

It features the same investigator, Helen, and is set in Beijing but has two timelines, one around the year 1997 and in the – back then – present of 2017. I got totally derailed in that project. But it was and is 90% finished (I know who did it. But I need to really work on editing!). So, maybe, it is a good way to post some chapters of it here.

If anyone ever likes it, I could continue with it. And who knows what will happen next? Let me know what YOU think!

If you are interested, click here to read more:

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